One of the most helpful resolutions to take up this year is to save more money. One easy way that you can work towards this goal is to ensure that you aren’t wasting unnecessary funds on your energy bill. Lowering your energy bill is not only a win for you but is also...
According to Energy Star, between 25 and 40 percent of the energy used to heat and cool your home is wasted through air leakage. Air leakage is just what it sounds like: places where air seeps into or out of your home through cracks and holes. In addition to causing...
It’s almost here—March 20th marks the first day of spring! We can’t wait for this cold, wet winter to give way to moderate temperatures, blooming flowers, and longer days. When the weather gets warmer, you’ll need to switch from heat back to air conditioning to stay...
In one year, your HVAC system can go through a lot. In East Tennessee, the weather is notoriously fickle, often swaying between drastic highs and lows as the seasons change. These changes in the weather can cause your heating and cooling systems stress, allowing them...
In the world of commercial and home heating and cooling, staying in tune with the latest trends is important to remain economically sound, energy efficient, and able to keep employees and families comfortable as the seasons change. We all know that HVAC equipment...
As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, you may be starting to think about turning on your furnace for the first time this fall. There are a few things you might notice and a few things you can preventatively do. Why You Might Notice a Burning Smell from...
Summer temperatures in East Tennessee often linger well into October, with sudden swings of 20 degrees or more from day to day. The climatic yo-yo is not only hard on humans adjusting to the shorter days and colder nights. All that transitioning from air conditioning...
When it comes to gearing up for the fall season, you may think about pulling your cozy sweaters out of storage, crisp sounds of leaves crunching underfoot, or the taste of warm apple cider. What you probably weren’t thinking about is making sure that your HVAC system...
In part one of this article, we discussed how spending more money on visually appealing remodeling jobs around your home in hopes of increasing its equity may not always be the best move. We then went on to look at how updating the vital parts of your home, like your...
July and August usually mark the hottest months of summer in the South. We graduate from a simple rise in temperature to the oppressive combination of heat AND humidity and are suddenly scrambling to find relief. The easiest escapes from the heat are our homes and...